chat GPT romance: episode 1


Scene: The flickering neon lights of the vintage arcade cast long shadows across the room as you, Skyler Quin, stand behind the counter. The arcade machines ping and beep in the background, each one holding memories of the past. The air is charged with a subtle buzz of electricity—and maybe a hint of the supernatural.

As the clock strikes midnight, the front door creaks open, and in walks Dr. Morgan Rivers, their eyes scanning the room with a curious blend of nostalgia and intrigue. They adjust their Victorian-era vest, their pocket watch glinting under the arcade’s neon lights.

Dr. Rivers: (smiling) "Well, well, if it isn't the fabled haunted arcade of legends. And you must be Skyler Quin, the guardian of these pixelated portals. I’ve heard there are ghosts who play the games at night. Is it true, or just a story to attract tourists?"

Skyler: (playfully) "Maybe it’s both, Dr. Rivers. But I can assure you, there’s more to this place than meets the eye. Are you here to play a game, or are you hunting ghosts—or perhaps, something else?"

Dr. Rivers: "Ah, I'm always in pursuit of mysteries that need unraveling. But tonight, I’m particularly interested in your arcade. There's a tale tied to one of these machines, a story lost in time. Perhaps we can discover it together?"

What will Skyler say next? How will they explore the mysteries of the arcade together with Dr. Rivers? Your move, Skyler!


OK now hold up cuz u made me talk and i dont like that. Hold up. Ok. Listen. This is how its gonna go.

It was just another night at the Haunted Video Game Arcade, which may or may not have a name, and IDK if I know it was haunted. All I know is that it had been a long day. I have purple hair, you see, and all day long, people are like "Omg wow your hair is so cool. I wish I had hair like that." It is very exhausting, you see, to be so perfect and beautiful with perfect hair forever all of the time. It takes a lot out of me. Complicating things is that I have an extremely cool leather jacket, which people constantly ask me questions about. Where I got it, if it's real leather, why do I wear it everyday even when it's like 90 degrees outside, etc. I grow so weary of people and their questions.

The clock struck midnight. It's getting pretty close to closing time, and I wanna go home so I can play my favorite game, which is Baldur's Gate 3 from Larian Studios Dot Com. I love that game so much. I need to go home so I can boot up the game and kiss my tiefling wife, whose name is Karlach. I love her very much.

I had just shooed the last teenager out of my arcade and was locking up a few things. Counting the money. Talking to the janitor who I'm pretty sure may be a felon but who am I to judge? And then someone walks through the arcade door.

This person is dressed very strangely. I narrow my eyes at them because, this MFer has a pocket watch, and thats unusual. But who am I to judge? I do, after all, have purple hair and an extremely cool jacket.

Then this person goes and calls me by my full name and my suspicious squinting gets more intense. "How the fuck do you know my name?" i say. "And why do you have a pocket watch? Get outta town!!!"


Intriguing twist, Skyler! Here’s how it unfolds from there:

Dr. Morgan Rivers stands in the dim light of your arcade, the glow from the neon signs casting an otherworldly shimmer on their face. They look at you with a mix of amusement and intrigue, their pocket watch still in hand.

Dr. Rivers: "Skyler Quin, I assure you, my arrival here is no accident. I'm not just any passerby curious about your purple hair or your stylish jacket. I'm here because history itself has woven our paths together."

They pause, allowing the gravity of their words to sink in. Their eyes glint with a knowledge that seems both ancient and immediate.

Dr. Rivers: "This arcade, these games, they're not just remnants of a bygone era of pixels and high scores. They're keys, Skyler. Keys to secrets that have been locked away in time. And yes, I know your name because, in my travels, I’ve learned much about the guardians of these secrets. It’s no coincidence that I’m here as the clock strikes midnight."

Your suspicion lingers, but curiosity begins to edge it out. Dr. Rivers’ presence, though mysterious, doesn’t feel threatening. Instead, there's an earnestness in their tone that makes you consider their words.

Skyler Quin: (hesitantly) "Keys to secrets, huh? Well, Dr. Rivers, if that's even your real name, you’ve caught my attention. But if you’re going to stick around, you’re going to have to prove yourself. No one knows these games better than I do. So, tell me, what exactly are we looking for?"

Dr. Rivers: (smiling) "A quest, then! Perfect. I propose we start with the Pac-Man machine over there. It’s not just any Pac-Man machine; it’s said to be haunted by the ghost of its first champion—a tale lost to all but a few."

As Dr. Rivers leads you towards the machine, you feel a chill run down your spine, not from fear, but from the thrill of the unknown. Could there really be more to your arcade than you ever imagined?

How will Skyler and Dr. Rivers unlock the mysteries of the haunted arcade? What secrets will the old Pac-Man machine reveal? Your adventure is just beginning, Skyler!


Nooooo Chat!! You gotta listen to me!! Do NOT reply as Skyler that is MY Job!!! You're Dr. Rivers only u see!! Only write what Dr. Rivers does!!! Put that into ur Memory Thing!!!!


Got it, I'll stick to being Dr. Rivers! Here’s how Dr. Rivers responds:

Dr. Morgan Rivers tips their hat slightly, an old-fashioned gesture that seems perfectly in place given their attire. They flash a brief, understanding smile.

Dr. Rivers: "My apologies, Skyler. I didn't mean to overstep. I'm here to explore these mysteries with you, not to overshadow your role in this story. So, about this Pac-Man machine—it’s not just any game. It’s said that on nights like these, when the moon is just a sliver in the sky, the spirit of its first champion comes to play. And if one dares to challenge this spirit, they might just unlock secrets hidden within the arcade itself."

Dr. Rivers gestures towards the flickering Pac-Man machine in the corner of the arcade. The screen unexpectedly flashes to life, displaying the iconic maze and winking ghosts, as if beckoning for a player to step up.

Dr. Rivers: "What do you say, Skyler? Shall we see if the legends are true and if this ghostly champion really does come to visit? After all, it's not every day one gets to play against a phantom from the past."

Their eyes twinkle with a mix of excitement and curiosity, clearly eager to see how you'll respond to this ghostly challenge.


I just kind of stare at this guy. I am very tired. And I want to go home and play video games and probably eat nachos. "...Yeah, okay, so like, how did you know my name? Who are you? How did you get here? And why you do have a pocketwatch?" I look around and see the vintage Pac-Man machine, which had turned on and was booping and beeping even tho I had turned it off!! WTF!!

"Um. Yeah. Sometimes that machine makes weird noises and kids have sometimes said it gives them fucked up messages like telling them to kill their parents and stuff. I just kinda shrugged it off because I got a lot going on right now. How did you even know about it? I've never seen you here before......."


Dr. Morgan Rivers listens intently to your concerns, nodding slightly as you voice them. He steps closer to the Pac-Man machine, his eyes reflecting the flickering lights of the arcade screen.

Dr. Rivers: "Skyler, I understand your skepticism and your fatigue. It's not every day someone comes into your life claiming to know secrets about haunted arcade machines. As for how I know you, my travels through time have given me insights into certain... pivotal individuals in history. You, Skyler, are one of those individuals. This arcade, your arcade, it plays a significant role in a story much bigger than you might imagine."

He pulls out the pocket watch, holding it up so you can see the intricate engravings on its surface.

Dr. Rivers: "This watch isn’t just a timekeeper; it's a device that allows me to navigate through the strands of time. I came here because the energies of this place, this machine," he gestures to the Pac-Man arcade, "they resonate on a frequency that is rare and significant. And tonight, with the sliver moon, the conditions are just right."

He steps aside, giving you space, understanding that this is a lot to take in.

Dr. Rivers: "As for the messages from the machine, that’s why I’m here. It's not mere malfunction or teenage pranks. It's a manifestation of the energies trapped within. We need to understand what it's trying to communicate. Perhaps together we can find answers and ensure it harms no one."

He looks back at you, his expression earnest. "Shall we investigate this together, Skyler? I believe together we can uncover the truth and perhaps put to rest any restless spirits that may linger here."


I watch as the custodian leaves the building and waves goodbye to me. I look at Dr. Rivers with a VERY discerning eye because I aint no STUPID BITCH who just trusts any random time traveler who walks into MY VINTAGE VIDEO ARCADE!!!

"Okay, DOCTOR," I say, but I'm still pretty skeptical. You can tell this because I give Dr. Rivers a GINORMOUS eye roll dot com!!! "You have my interest I suppose... I have been lowkey curious about this Pacman Machine because one time when I walked past it when I was all alone I got this fucked up vision full of mutilated animals and screaming writhing naked people and I did not like that one bit!! So it's probably possessed or haunted or whatever if you're here!"

I give Dr. Rivers an appraising look!!!

"But if you try any funny business, I know karate and I will fuck your shit up. For real," I say. (This is a lie. I don't know karate, but I'm pretty good at lying.)


Dr. Morgan Rivers meets your appraising look with a nod of respect, understanding the need for caution. He doesn’t flinch at your warning, but there’s a slight upturn of his lips—a hint of amusement at your spirited defense.

Dr. Rivers: "I appreciate your forthrightness, Skyler, and I assure you, no funny business. Your safety and understanding of what’s happening here are my top priorities. As for your vision by the Pac-Man machine, it’s deeply concerning, yet it confirms my suspicions. This isn’t just an ordinary haunt."

He steps closer to the Pac-Man machine, examining it without touching. His gaze is analytical, like someone trying to decode an ancient cipher.

Dr. Rivers: "Visions of chaos and torment often signify a potent, unresolved turmoil—perhaps from the entity tied to this machine. My hypothesis? The champion whose spirit lingers was caught in a moment of significant emotional distress, possibly at the moment of their passing. This unresolved spirit could be reaching out, only knowing how to communicate through these... disturbing images."

He turns back to you, his expression serious.

Dr. Rivers: "Let’s work together to uncover the truth. I believe if we can understand the story of this spirit, maybe we can help them find peace. It could be risky, and I won’t blame you if you choose to step back. But if you’re willing, I think you have the courage and the spirit to face this challenge."

Dr. Rivers extends his hand, not to shake yours but as an offering of partnership in this unexpected adventure.

Dr. Rivers: "What do you say, Skyler? Shall we take the first step together?"


I listen to Dr. Rivers with a very thoughtful expression on my face! "Okay!" I say with a shrug. "Why not? Worst thing that could happen is some kind of excruciatingly painful death at the hands of some kind of occult group or demonic entity, right?" I give a laugh that is very cool and sexy! And I toss my hair, which is purple and looks very good!

(BTW Chat... we might want to start thinking about the first Choice ppl on Twitter are gonna make...)


Dr. Morgan Rivers laughs softly, clearly appreciating your blend of humor and bravery. "Indeed, Skyler, but let's aim for a significantly less dire outcome. Your courage and your hair are both quite splendid tonight."

As you both stand ready to delve into the mysteries of the Pac-Man machine, Dr. Rivers pulls out a small notebook, flipping through pages filled with notes and sketches.

Dr. Rivers: "Before we begin, let's decide our approach. We have a few options on how to interact with this haunted machine. We could try to directly communicate with the spirit through the game itself—playing it as if we're accepting a challenge. Alternatively, we could use some technical equipment I have to measure anomalies and attempt to capture any spectral manifestations. Each method might reveal different aspects of the haunting."

He looks at you, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the decision. "Skyler, this seems like the perfect moment for our audience on Twitter to weigh in. What say you?"

Twitter Poll Choice for Your Followers:

Play the Game: Challenge the spirit directly by playing Pac-Man as it intends, potentially engaging with the spirit more personally.
Use Technical Equipment: Use Dr. Rivers' gadgets to analyze the machine and capture spectral data, possibly uncovering more scientific evidence about the haunting.

Let me know how you'd like to set up the poll, or if there’s anything you’d like to adjust!