homepage dot com

hi!! welcome to my website!! thx for stopping by. i'm still getting things set up & everything, but sometimes the journey is the destination, u know what i mean?!?

Welcome to my webpage!

updates dot com

February 19, 2025. added old drawings to the art page.

January 11, 2025. added Garfields #19 & #20 to the art page. HAPPY NEW YEAR

November 13, 2024. huzzah dot com... it appears that i've fixed the problems i was having with my splash page!! the issues i was having before were caused by a sneaky "ad.js" in the code for the hit counter i was using before. i removed the counter & everything seems to be working fine! big thanks to Lulu for emailing me & suggesting that the problems were with the counter. by the way i was using a counter from counter12.com so don't use the counters on there!!! lol.

November 11, 2024. updated blog.

October 13, 2024. i've been pretty busy so i haven't done much w/ da site lately sorry friends. also i am trying to diagnose some problems i have when i load the splash page/welcome page. if u are having probz pls vote below so i know if it's happenin to other ppl!!!!

what probz do u have when u come to my site
pollcode.com free polls

September 19, 2024. updated the "chat gpt romance roleplay" under "projects" w/ episode 3. CAST UR VOTE!!!!

September 15, 2024. added "projects" page.

September 12, 2024. there is now a random "welcome" image whenever u load the home page. this makes me really happy, because i had something like that on my site i made when i was a kid. lol

September 11, 2024. never forget. lots of stuff today. added new Garf drawing to Art page. added "links" page to "internet" section. added "dad" page. also, i bought phantasmajones.net. i didn't know u could just buy a domain name for like $7. i think i'm done setting everything up, i can't figure out how to make it work. i'll make it work eventually. also, something amazing happened today:

September 10, 2024. updated "web design" page. working on "links" page. added a bunch of annoying buttons to the home page. :3

September 3, 2024. updated "AI Wars" page, added link to my AI Timeline WIP.

August 31, 2024. updated blog.

August 24, 2024. added blog. added "Internet" page & moved the web revival page to there. added "web design resources" page. added "AI Wars" page.

August 23, 2024. added new garf drawing.

August 20, 2024. added "web revival" page. updated manifesto. updated about page.

August 19, 2024. added the next few garf drawings.

August 18, 2024. added art page & uploaded my first 10 garfield drawings.

August 16, 2024. some ideas i have for the site: a love letter to my favorite websites i used to frequent when i was a kid/teenager. links to my favorite sites now. shrines. a blog where i examine Internet Culture & the history of social media. adoptables. uploading my artwork. an interactive fiction/ARG thingy.

August 15, 2024. last night i finally wrote my manifesto after thinking about it for like 4 months. i spent around 2-3 hours screwing around with the CSS, completely ruining everything, & then having to fix it all. chatGPT was my savior for that lol. (oh by the way if you're one of those people that think that all people who use genAI in any amount are irredeemable fuckos ruining the environment... keep those opinions to urself! thank u.) today, i added the about page & the guestbook.

don't forget to sign the guestbook!!!

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fun fact: i remember seeing the above gif on someone's webpage in 2002 or something like that